Autologous Serum Tears

For severe dry eye

What are Autologous Serum Tears?

Serum tears, also known as autologous serum eye drops, are a treatment option for severe dry eye sufferers. Serum tears are generally used for patients with significant dry eye disease that have had insufficient improvement from other treatment modalities. These may include artificial tears, ocular lubricants, punctal plugs and prescription dry eye therapies (Restasis, Cequa, Xiidra, or others) may have failed. Underlying medical conditions may cause dry eye to be worse, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, Sjogren's syndrome, or rheumatoid arthritis. Certain medications may worsen dry eye disease as well, often by inhibiting or diminishing the production of tears.

How can Serum Tears help with dry eyes?

Serum Tears are specially compounded eyedrops for patients with severe dry eyes that are made from a patient's own blood. They are highly effective, well-tolerated and have ingredients that artificial tears are unable to replicate, and promote healthy growth and healing of the ocular surface. Some of the ingredients in serum tears, that are found in natural tears, but aren’t available in artificial tears include antibodies, albumin, Vitamin A, and special growth factors important for healthy eyes known as epidermal growth factors.

Please note that though serum tears are highly effective, they are meant to be used in conjunction with other treatment modalities such as artificial tears, punctal plugs, or other medications in order to further expedite a patient's recovery.

How are autologous serum tears made?

The meaning of autologous is that the donor and the recipient are the same person. Autulugous serum tears, eye drops, are made from your own blood. You as a patient would go to a phlebotomy site to have your blood drawn. The blood is then shipped to a special compounding laboratory where Red blood cells and clotting factors are removed, leaving behind blood serum. This is diluted with a sterile, preservative-free solution in order to produce a unique tear substitute for every patient, and contains many important growth factors and nutrients normally found in healthy tears. The tears are then shipped frozen to you for storage until use.

Serum tears are very gentle on the eye. Since blood and tears have an almost identical salinity and pH, there is no issue of burning or stinging upon usage. Because they are non-preserved, the drops are stored in the freezer until you need them.

How do I obtain Autologous Serum Tears?

  1. After a discussion with your doctor, he/she will provide you with a prescription with serum tears.

  2. You will contact the compounding pharmacy to make arrangements to draw blood, and make any necessary payments

  3. The compounding pharmacy may request a copy of recent comprehensive blood tests for Hep B (HBsAg & HBsAb & HBcAb), Hep C, and HIV, and any other blood-borne diseases that may require additional processing.

  4. You will go to a blood collection (phlebotomy) facility and have blood drawn for making serum tears

  5. The blood sample is shipped to the blood collection facility, where it is processed and made into serum tears.

  6. The serum tears are frozen and shipped to your doorstep. You will keep them stored in your freezer, and use them (one vial at a time) as needed.

FAQs regarding serum tears

Cost of Serum Tears - is it covered by insurance?

 While some insurance companies reimburse for Serum Tears when patients submit a claim, generally Serum Tears is a self-pay service.  Each compounding pharmacy has a client services team can help you with submitting your claim to your insurance company. 

Do I need to drink water before my blood draw?

Yes, please try to drink plenty of water beginning 24 hours before your blood draw. Good hydration is helpful. You should also avoid beverages high in caffeine, alcohol, and foods high in fat content in order to ensure the best results.

How are Serum Tears stored?

A bottle of Serum Tears should be kept cold, in the refrigerator. You must discontinue use and discard that bottle after seven days. Store all remaining bottles, in your serum tears box, upright in the freezer. The bottles stored in the freezer can remain there for more than six months.

Does a vial of serum tears need to be refrigerated?

Because serum tears are made from biological material, are rich with nutrients, and are preservative free, they may support bacterial growth. It is recommended that you carry drops in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs if you are going to be out for more than an hour or are planning on being in hot temperatures.

What are the specific ingredients in serum tears that aid in treating severe dry eye and ocular surface disease?

Autologous serum contains proteins (lysozyme, lactoferrin, albumin, and immunoglobulins), growth factors (epidermal growth factor), vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium, calcium). The components are almost identical to those of the basal tears; however, autologous serum typically contains an increased concentration of each component compared with basal tears. The mechanism of action of autologous serum eye drops is to mimic the biochemical properties of natural basal tears in order to heal the ocular surface epithelium.

An eye exam is the best way to screen for, and evaluate any eye conditions affecting your health, comfort, and quality of vision.