Posterior Capsular Opacity

Hazy or cloudy vision after cataract surgery

Hazy or cloudy vision after cataract surgery

Once removed, cataracts will not grow back. However, some patients may experience clouding of a thin tissue called the capsule or ”bag” that holds the IOL. This is referred to as a posterior capsular opacity. This may cause glare or a hazy fog-like effect on your vision.

In most cases, a laser is used to painlessly open the clouded capsule and restore clear vision.

This is not a surgery, and the laser procedure takes five minutes in the office. There is no incision made into the eye, and patients can resume normal activities right afterwards.

What is a Posterior Capsular Opacity (PCO)?

A posterior capsular opacity, sometimes called an after-cataract, a form a scar material that may develop after cataract surgery. The membrane (capsule) that previously contained the natural lens of the eye, which is also acting as a scaffold for the intraocular lens implant (IOL) in your eye, has become cloudy. You may notice streaks or glare around lights, and the quality of your vision may have decreased since your cataract surgery.

A PCO can be removed using a YAG Capsulotomy Procedure.

What is a YAG Capsulotomy Procedure?

A YAG laser is used to polish off the cloudy membrane around the intraocular lens, and is used to create a small opening to allow light to pass through. This may improve your vision.

This quick, non-invasive procedure is performed in the office. Patients typically notice improvement in their vision within 24 hours. Given that it is a non-invasive procedure, the overall risk is considered very low.

A clear lens implant after cataract surgery

A PCO develops, and appears as a cloudy membrane in the center of the lens implant

After a YAG Capsulotomy, the cloudy membrane is polished off, leaving a clear opening in the center of the lens

YAG Capsulotomy

What should I expect during and after the procedure?

The procedure itself takes approximately 5 minutes, and is with minimal pain/discomfort. Many patients may see flashes of light during the procedure, and may see a floater after the procedure that typically goes away after 2-4 weeks.

What restrictions do I have after the procedure?

None! There are no incisions being made during the procedure. You can resume all normal activities like washing your face, going the gym, or swimming in a pool immediately afterwards. Some patients may notice light sensitivity for 24 hours after the procedure. To reduce the possibility of this, all patients are given an anti-inflammatory steroid eyedrop to use 4 times/day for 3 days.  

Will a PCO ever grow back?

Once removed, a PCO will never grow back. This is a “one-and-done” kind of procedure.

Why is the procedure called “YAG” Capsulotomy? What is a YAG Laser?

The term “YAG” refers to the type of laser used for the procedure (Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet).

YAG Laser.jpg

YAG Laser Capsulotomy for PCO

Dr. Jimmy Hu uses a YAG Laser to polish the cloudy scar material behind the lens, restoring clear vision after cataract surgery.

Enjoy a world of better vision.

Start with a cataract evaluation.